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5 Characters We Want To See In ‘Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 3’



[tps_title]#2:  Moondragon[/tps_title]


This character would take some finagling to get done with the current MCU storylines.  For those unaware, Moondragon’s real name is Heather Douglas, the daughter of Arthur Douglas.  Who the hell is Arthur Douglas, you may ask?  The human alter ego of Drax the Destroyer.

In the comics, the Douglas’ were driving along one day when they noticed Thanos’ spaceship landing alongside the road.  Not wanting any witnesses and being the jerk he is, Thanos crushed the Douglas’ car killing the Douglas parents and throwing Heather out of site.

Ironically enough, Heather was found and subsequently raised by Mentor — Thanos’ father — on Titan.  As she turned into Moondragon, Heather became a master telepath and expert martial artist.  She’s also shown to be a highly-skilled geneticist and minor telekinetic.

There’s nothing stopping Gunn & Co. from briging Moondragon into the fray, it’s just a matter of changing up her origin.  But think about it now, Drax being able to reunite with his daughter.  There wouldn’t be a dry eye in the theater!

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Digital media pro by day, comic book connoisseur by night. Adam can't wait for the day that Darkhawk finally gets his much-deserved solo flick and he thinks Iron Fist actually wasn't that bad of a show. @ him if you must.


VIDEO: The Top 10 Plot Twists In The MCU



Nick Fury MCU

With “Avengers: Infinity War” coming to cinemas, fans have been desperate to avoid spoilers as the film promises to feature some incredible plot twists.  The directors and writers have been so secretive that they’ve even written fake scenes in order to confuse possible leakers. Many of the actors still hadn’t seen the film a mere week before release.  This secrecy is just another step in the process of MCU films more closely guarding secrets.

In the past, comic book movies and TV shows were synonymous with simplistic storylines and predictable plots.  But as comic properties grow in prominence both commercially and critically, writers are working hard to subvert the tropes that fans have come to expect.  While some critics might consider Marvel Cinematic Universe movies to be “paint-by-numbers,” fans have been treated to some universe shaking surprises. Here’s Marvel News Desk’s Top Ten MCU plot twists.

First, we need to make the spoiler warning of all spoiler warnings.  This video will literally ruin the best ten surprises in the history of the MCU.  So if you still need to catch up on something, go do it first and then come back. You have been warned…

10.  Loki on the Throne of Asgard
Coming in at number 9 is Loki’s ascension to the throne. Most astute viewers doubted that Loki had truly died in Thor: The Dark World.  After all, the master of mischief is prone to playing tricks and surely Marvel wouldn’t waste their greatest antagonist on a solo character film.  His likely return, however, didn’t prepare anyone for the last moments of the film when Odin gives Thor the blessing to return to earth. As the thunder god leaves the royal throne room we see that Loki has in fact removed his father from his rule.  This one might have been higher on the list, had the situation not been fixed so quickly in Thor: Ragnarok. At least we got that hilarious Matt Damon play out of the situation.

9.   Ego Killed Peter Quill’s Mother
After the release of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1, many fans thought that Star Lord’s father would be a major plot twist akin to the parentage plots of Star Wars.  It was a shock when director James Gunn revealed a year ahead of time, at San Diego Comic Con, that Peter’s father was actually Ego the Living Planet. What fans didn’t know until they went to the cinema, however, was that Ego was a deranged demi-god.  When he uttered the line, “It broke my heart to put that tumor in her head” the audience collectively gulped. The emotion of the moment is even stronger as Peter blasts away at Ego, to no avail. Little did anyone know the real twist wasn’t Star Lord’s dad, it was who murdered his mom.

 8.  Jessica Jones is Free of Kilgrave’s Control
Jessica Jones Season 1 is arguably the most tense television show Marvel has produced. Kilgrave’s ability to control minds and have people commit horrifying acts of brutality, left fans on the edge of their seats through most of the first season.  In the midst of the chaos which follows his escape from Jessica’s electructified sound proof room, she grabs him and he demands she let’s go. She does not and discovers, along with audience, that she is now immune to his powers. The beauty of this twist is the subtlety of the moment, with fan and character both coming to the realization together, without any exposition on what’s happening.

7.  Quicksilver’s Death
#7 on our list is a classic case of misdirection.  For most of Avengers: Age of Ultron, writer and director Joss Whedon builds up the possibility that Hawkeye is going to pay the ultimate price in the battle of Ultron.  The foreshadowing seems heavy handed, particularly when the audience is taken to the Barton farm and learns of the archer’s family and children. It’s the perfect set-up for a tragic demise.  So when Hawkeye goes back to save the one remaining Sokovian child, the handwriting appears to be on the wall. In the last minute, Quicksilver runs in and takes the bullets that appeared destined for the Avenger.  Few thought Marvel would kill a character on debut, but ultimately the studio probably saw the redundancy with the X-Men franchise to be too much. Now that the Fox deal looks to be coming through, could Quicksilver return?

6.  Tony’s Parents’ Death Reveal
The brilliance of this plot twist is its ability to shock and impact the plot, even though it wasn’t much of a twist.  In Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Arnim Zola quickly flashes images of the ways Hydra has been working since Cap disappeared in the polar ice cap.  It becomes pretty obvious at that moment that the Winter Soldier, Cap’s buddy Bucky, killed the Starks. This information, however, still resonates in a new way when Zemo reveals it to Tony for the first time at the climax of Captain America: Civil War.  While most fans and the heroes themselves were bracing for a brawl with an army of winter soldiers, Zemo was in fact just digging for the dirt on Bucky. Robert Downey Jr. has his best acting moment as Stark when he begins to process the bombshell. Many a casual fan was reeling from the reveal themselves.

5.  Ben Urich’s Death
At number five, we have the death of Ben Urich. Some Marvel characters are beloved by fans despite not having any super powers.   When he appeared in the MCU as a major player in Netflix’s Daredevil, played masterfully by Vondie Curtis-Hall, Ben Urich quickly became a fan favorite character.  His popularity made it all the more horrifying when Wilson Fisk killed him with his bare hands near the end of the first season of Daredevil. It’s a decision many fans still have a love-hate relationship with, as it packed such a punch to the gut, but also means that an iconic Marvel character left us all too soon.

4.  The Mandarin isn’t the Mandarin
The fourth twist on our countdown is probably the most controversial plot decision in the history of the MCU.  During the second act of Iron Man 3 we learn that Ben Kingsley’s Mandarin, who featured heavily in the trailers and appeared to be the next great MCU villain, is in fact merely an actor named Trevor Slattery hired by the real Mandarin to distract the authorities.  In a way this was a necessary twist, because it allowed Marvel to nod toward a traditional Mandarin without perpetuating outdated stereotypes. On the other hand, many fans took it as an affront to the comic character they knew and loved. This botched twist led to a secondary one in the “All Hail the King” one shot, in which we learn that in fact the true Mandarin is neither Slattery, nor his boss Aldrich Killian, but instead a shadowy personality yet to appear on screen.  Many Iron Man fans are still waiting to see the real Mandarin.

3.  The Dissolution of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Betrayal by Ward
One of the challenges in the interconnected world of the MCU is doing anything plot wise that feels like it has much significance.  When fans know that a hero will reappear in the next sequel, there isn’t a sense of gravitas. When Captain America: The Winter Soldier came out, with heavy tie ins to freshman drama Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., it was easy to think that nothing much could happen.  After all, they can’t shut down the organization. What would happen to the TV show? Well shut down S.H.I.E.L.D. they did! After years of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Director Fury serving as the major connective tissue of the MCU, Marvel destroyed the glue of the universe in two shocking hours.  Many left the theaters wondering what the upheaval meant. A few short days later they discovered it meant that Agent Ward, arguably the lead protagonist of the first season, was in fact a HYRDA agent himself. His sudden betrayal of the team was a shock that set up years of conflict on the show.  This plot twist is the only one which shook up both television and film simultaneously.

2.  Thanos Reveal
MCU movies have always featured some sort of end credit scenes.  They serve an important function in continuing the narrative. But the mid-credits scene of Avengers is the one which most reshaped the universe.  Until that moment when Thanos first turned and grinned at the camera, the story of the MCU was interconnected but lacked a central antagonist. In those 30 seconds Marvel fans suddenly realized that the universe was way bigger than they thought.  All of the plotting of Loki and the power of the tesseract were part of a much larger story, the story of the Infinity Gauntlet! This one plot thread has become the centerpiece of Infinity War, the culmination of the entire MCU.

1.  Nick Fury Appears
Today every film franchise in Hollywood is trying to concoct a shared universe.  This massive trend was kicked off by a shocking moment after the credits of Iron Man.  When Nick Fury, played by Samuel L. Jackson no less, walked into Stark’s Malibu home and talked about the Avenger Initiative it became clear for the first time that Marvel wasn’t just doing movies based on their characters.  They were building an interconnected universe. With one scene, Marvel Studios began an odyssey that has not been replicated by any of its competitors, a meaningful web of interconnected films and franchises which tells one grand serialized story.  And it all started with one last plot twist in Iron Man.

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Predicting What Movies Will Fill Marvel’s New Release Dates



After the shock announcement from Marvel Studios that they were moving Avengers: Infinity War up to April 27th in the USA, Disney just kept on going with the bombshells and gave fans another six release dates for future films, in addition to the three dates in 2020.  They also adjusted their August 2020 date forward a week.

Obviously, the first question on everyone’s mind is what exactly will fill those spots.  Whereas Marvel provided a full slate for Phase Three before Phase Two ever ended.  This time around, Marvel is playing their cards close to the chest.  This way they don’t have to change plans down the road.  Also, there is the fear that some of the title announcements might actually ruin some surprises to come.  In the meantime, let’s do some speculating on what could come.

May 1, 2020-Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 

This one feels like it has already been officially announced.  James Gunn has said that the third volume in his series will come out in 2020, so it has to be one of Marvel’s three dates.  The timing would also be very similar to the gap between Volume 1 and Volume 2 of the series.  Those films came out three years apart, in 2014 and 2017, so three years later, in 2020, makes perfect sense.  The May slot also tends to be the spot for Marvel’s biggest money makers and at this point Guardians of the Galaxy is one of the more bankable properties they have.  While the property may still feel like the new kid on the block to long-time fans, it will be the oldest Marvel property without a third film (save Hulk which obviously has other issues involved).

Another reason to believe that this film would be next is that it is the furthest along at this point.  Gunn has been working on the script for some time, having a draft finished last autumn.  Most of the cast is obviously already in place.  It’s also the only film that Marvel Studios has officially announced post-Avengers 4.  Rumors are that filming will start early in 2019, which would be roughly the same time-table as May-released Vol. 2.  (Sony’s Spider-Man: Homecoming 2 is also official with a July 2019 release.)  If another film is going to take this place, it will have to rush to make up lost time.

So we can expect this movie in May 2020.  The bigger question will be what the plot will involve.  Adam Warlock was teased in the post-credit scenes of Vol. 2.  Gunn has backed away from that character, however, in the time since.  Check out our list of characters we’d like to see added to the third adventure from the Guardians of the Galaxy.

July 31 2020-Black Widow 

This is the altered date in the announcement.  The time slot feels like a good space for a more experimental property.  Marvel released Guardians of the Galaxy in early August.  Ant-Man came in July.  Even D.C. used August to launch their least traditional property, Suicide Squad.  Then again, it may be that Disney is starting to eye these end of summer dates in the hope that the lack of August competition will give films longer legs.  Regardless, Black Widow feels like the right fit.

A couple of things argue for this film coming in July 2020.  First of all, it is the next most developed film in the MCU.  Trade reports say that Marvel has a screenwriter tapped for the project.  No other film in the MCU technically has anyone on board for any role.  Also, Scarlett Johansson has been in the MCU a long time.  While she’s patiently waited for her chance at a solo property, she won’t wait forever.  Her contract also has to be close to the end if not all finished up.  One would think the window for this project will be relatively small as the first generation of Avengers slowly opts (or ages) out.  Johansson is younger than many of her co-stars, but will she want to stay in the MCU forever?

Fans have debated vigorously what they want to see out of a Black Widow film.  Some are convinced that a flashback film is the way to go, with a history of her famous “red ledger.”  Others want to see a lighter, spy adventure.  Regardless of how they do it, fans should get it relatively soon.

November 6, 2020-Doctor Strange 2 

At this point, Doctor Strange‘s sequel will be the next most pressing project for Marvel.  This date would be almost exactly four years from the first film’s release.  That’s a long time between movies, even if the Sorcerer Supreme is in Thor: RagnarokAvengers: Infinity War, and Avengers 4 in the meantime.  The longest gap between Marvel movies for a franchise right now stands at about four years between Thor: The Dark World and Thor: Ragnarok.  Three years is far more typical, but Benedict Cumberbatch is also a busy man.

It would seem the success of the first movie should mean that Scott Derrickson would return as a director.  A  couple of social media posts have hinted that he is returning, though nothing has been announced.  He clearly had some ideas in place for the first film that didn’t come to fruition, so he would already have some plans for this one.  The return of Baron Mordo would be an obvious plot element to pick up.  Also, Nightmare was floated as a villain the first time around.  He could be a great villain in a more horor based sequel, something that Derrickson should excel at.

May 7, 2021-Black Panther 2

Here are the things that we pretty safely know.  First of all, there will be a sequel to Black Panther.  Almost every MCU film received a second installment based on box office receipts.  With the King of Wakanda staring down a gigantic haul, including possibly the largest domestic take ever, there is essentially no way Marvel Studios would skip a sequel.  Furthermore, Marvel has tended to put their biggest box office draws on the May date.  And given how hot Black Panther is, one would think Kevin Feige will be eager to return the character to theaters ASAP.  If those three things are all true, then this date is the obvious candidate for the next Black Panther film.

Ryan Coogler did a fantastic job with the first one, so he should be back for the second.  The world of Wakanda feels so full and rich that a sequel could continue to explore the characters already in play.  Lupita Nyong’o’s Nakia has a villainous turn in the comic books which could make for an interesting story.  M’Baku also seems like he would not be immune from challenging T’Challa.  Fan favorite characters like Doctor Doom and Namor are other huge Marvel characters who could make great challengers to Black Panther in a sequel.

July 31, 2021-Spider-Man:Homecoming 3

Yes, that’s a lot of Spider-Man movies one after another.  And there is a growing queue of characters demanding some attention.  But Sony is going to drive the reality here.  Marvel Studios and Sony’s deal has been good for both companies, but ultimately their need for new movies is very different.  Marvel has a busy schedule they are trying to fit everything into.  Sony has essentially this character.  Even with Venom and Silver and Black in production, Peter Parker is the cash cow for essentially Sony’s entire studio.  The brain trust that has greenlit seven films in three franchises over a mere 17 years (including Homecoming‘s sequel) will certainly keep the gravy train going.  Marvel Studios will play along to keep the web-slinger around the MCU.

Given how little anyone knows about the second film in the franchise, the third is a total mystery.  Fans have been calling for Kraven the Hunter for some time.  Maybe Tom Holland‘s Spider-Man will have had enough time to mature into the dark “Kraven’s Last Hunt” story.  Also, if Venom takes off, it might be time to fold Tom Hardy into the MCU proper as well.  There’s just way too much narrative time between now and then.

November 5, 2021-Fantastic Four

Obviously, this prediction requires the Fox deal to go through the regulatory process in a timely and effective manner.  If that deal does get finalized in the general time frame Disney suggested, give or take 12 months, then the Fox characters will be in the Marvel Studios sand box by early 2019.  Two and a half years is plenty of time to produce a film for Marvel, particularly if Feige and crew are workshopping some ideas and casting options right now.  This limbo period may not allow direct work on a new film, but it seems unlikely that a few writers and producers have avoided shaping some thoughts.

But why would Fantastic Four be the first Fox property out of the shoot?  One would think that Marvel wants to fold these characters into their universe organically and carefully.  At no point in the MCU have they jumped haphazardly into characters.  They build the universe the right way.  Mutants are an obvious problem for the MCU.  Why would there suddenly be mutants when there haven’t been any in the first 13 years of films?  Also, X-Men fatigue is arguably higher from so many X-films over so many years.  Fantastic Four is a property with an origin that can more readily fit the existent universe.  Also, the table has been set for cosmic adventures already.  If this movie came in 2021 it would be six-plus years separated from the disastrous last attempt at a reboot, whereas X-Men would be at best three years removed.  Finally, the family vibe of Fantastic Four could be a great play in the November window.  Just imagine ads showing Richard and Sue cutting a turkey, encouraging families to spend Thanksgiving with Marvel’s first family.

February 18, 2022-Nova

This is the big speculation in the predictions.  Marvel Studios has shown that they want to continue to introduce new franchises.  They also have been working to bring more broadly representative characters to the screen, such as Black Panther and Captain Marvel.    (Interestingly, both of those films have had a February/March release.)  Finally, it appears that the studio wants to expand the cosmic side more as well.  Sam Alexander’s Nova is a perfect fit for all these concerns.  Giving fans a Latino lead character would potentially make a similar splash as Black Panther or Disney’s Coco.  Comic fans have also been asking for Nova from a pure comics perspective for a long time.

May 6, 2022-X-Men

The X-Men are coming.  The history, popularity, and significance of the property demand that Marvel Studios use the new IP available to them.  Anything earlier than this date seems unlikely with the reigns of the property in Fox hands for another year or so.  But this release date sort of demands a big team movie.  It comes three years after the last Avengers film and probably two years after the last Guardians of the Galaxy film.  While another assembling of the Avengers might be appealing, an X-Men film will keep things fresh.  This release date would also create a somewhat similar time gap between X-Men: Dark Phoenix and this reboot to Amazing Spider-Man 2 and Spider-Man: Homecoming.

July 29, 2022-Captain Marvel 2

Unless Captain Marvel is a total flop, it should get a sequel.  And the likelihood of a flop seems low given Marvel Studios track record.  Also, the pent-up demand for the character and for a solo female hero in the MCU is high.  When an actress of Brie Larson‘s pedigree signed onto such an important role in the comics, it seemed like she was part of a master plan to rejuvenate the star power of the universe.  Larson, Boseman, and Cumberbatch feel like a new triumvirate to replace Evans, Hemsworth, and Downey Jr.  Moving the movie to a summer tentpole spot after it’s March debut would be a sensible thing for the MCU.

But what about…

The greatest weakness of this slate of films is all the things it leaves out.  James Gunn has put the seeds of a Ravagers movie in place.  Could it come out before 2022, particularly if Gunn is involved in it?  With Sylvester Stalone as a star, can they wait much longer?  What about new films for some classic MCU characters, even if they are legacy versions?  Surely a Bucky or Falcon Cap movie is a possibility or Tessa Thompson taking over for Thor?  Ant-Man and the Wasp is a property without a third film lined up in this rundown, wouldn’t Marvel finish out a trilogy for their microscopic hero?  There’s no Avengers film here?!  And what about other team possibilities like the Ultimates or Champions?  Speaking of which, when might Ms. Marvel or Miles Morales show up?  And that says nothing of the half-dozen projects being worked on by Fox right now that will be in Disney’s lap soon enough.  Simply put, as insane as it might sound to say that nine films aren’t enough, they really aren’t.  Hopefully, the backlog will be helped by some high quality direct to streaming movies on Disney’s new service or by an announcement that these dates don’t include X-titles or something.  Until then, we eagerly wait to see what Feige has cooked up for us.


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