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MND Reading Club

Introducing the MND Reading Club – Starting With Captain Marvel



We don’t want to alarm you, but there are seven months before we get another movie from the Marvel Cinematic Universe in theaters (Captain Marvel March 8, 2019). The new season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. won’t be on our televisions until next summer. While there is still plenty of Marvel content coming this fall, like season two of The Gifted, and Marvel’s Iron Fist, we thought that there might be room in our schedule for a little bit of reading.

So we introduce to you, the MND Book Club.

Every 3-4 months, we’ll pick a comic book run that somebody on the Marvel News Desk site likes, and that some of us (okay, me) hasn’t read. We’ll announce that series to all of you, both through the Marvel News Desk Podcast and in a blog post like this, then we will read. For regular listeners of the podcast, we’ll remind you to read. Because I forget my homework assignments and I’m sure some of you do, too. We will be sure that each comic series that we select is available on Marvel Unlimited, because we are cheap.

For our inaugural assignment, we will be reading the Kelly DeConnick run of Captain Marvel. For those looking for the run on Marvel Unlimited, it is the series that starts in 2014. If you are reading on Comixology, or want to order a print version, you can find the details here. The plan is to read all of the 2014 series, and on in to the next series, where DeConnick is still the author.

We (and by “we” I mean “Adam and Caleb”) chose this series for obvious reasons: Captain Marvel is the next big thing in the MCU, and we want to revisit her character. Also, several of us associated with Marvel News Desk haven’t yet read this series, so it will be fun to discover it all, together.

We’ll have guided discussions in the Facebook Group and occasional discussions on the Podcast. So fire up your favorite method of reading comics, and join us!

You can join the Facebook group by going to or by clicking here.


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